Thursday, January 18, 2007

Unhappy end: the sad story about failed attempt of phentermine withdrawal from general use

Listen to me, Darling. Phentermine, our so loved #1 spam drug is obviously dangerous. Any mindful babe can check it easily via google (for lazy ones I'll post detailed explanation in next post).

Phentermine is addictive physically and psychologically, bringing serious side effects, causing disporia and personality changes. Many people have had had to go in to rehab to get off of this drug. Stop me! I've just promised you I'll prove this later, so I'll do (with some really nice pics!)

Let make us way back in time. The short story is European Commission Decision has tried to withdraw phentermine license. However, they failed because big old boys, some of the phentermine license holder appealed. It is understood darling: if You are Big Old Boy with Big Money you surely have all rights for spreading Your dangerous drug (dad, it is not dangerous indeed, please, please, please, please-please-please say it isn't harmful) over the world.

Continue reading >>

Monday, January 15, 2007

We have moved!

Please find us at the new location:

Sunday, January 14, 2007

New iPhone feature by spammers

Have I ever told you email spammers are the fastest creatures in the universe? Surely I've told you in the Idea of anti-spam business post.

So, here we go. No more than 48 hours needed for email spammerers to generate fresh spam idea: they offer free iPhone just after the iPhone had been released!

You can read the full story and even digg it: The "Free" iPhone Spam Has Already Started!

Please note: blog moved here to spamadol.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Spam by Monty Python :-)

Look at spam by mad guys from Monty Python:

Spami Yoga: another unexpected spam message

Today I've got another interesting spam message. Surely it is the first one that really doesn't annoy me because it is a bit unusual. The message just invites me to attend a Yoga seminar for people with loaded lifestyle. If someone is really interested, I even can give a link here.

And there's the main point: googling "yoga for business people" gives just 32 results. It is great area to investigate creation of trafficable site, I think!

The story continues here at spamadol blog.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

No vi@9ra, just harmonizing your PC!

As I mentioned in the "The Idea of Anti Spam Business" post, it is possible to make money from spam emails by getting the relevant content idea from them. Of course, I mean finding out fresh and constructive ideas but not over-using annoying ones like phentermine advertisement.

Sometimes you must dig your spam email deeply to discover the really interesting idea among the crowd of old crap. For example, one of the last spam emails I've got today is trying to sell me the PC Harmonizer. There's not very much of search results on this topic: 91,800 at this monent. And only 4 results for exact "PC Harmonizer" phrase. So this area is pretty free to fill with content. At this moment Google knows only 2 pages about harmonizing your PC:

  1. PC Harmonizer - Reduces the damaging effects of radiation from your computer by 95-98%
  2. PC Harmonizer at the SCIO Norge webshop

And the first page just leads to second. So there's a lot of free money to earn!

Friday, January 5, 2007

The Idea of Anti Spam Business (changed)

The main idea of Anti Spam Business is very simple. It is all about creation popular and profitable websites. It is for people seeking for relevant ideas of optimized content sites. To get visitors you must create website which monitors popular problem and this is soft search engine optimization. You must know about what problems are popular to write about them.

But how to know about popular problems without wasting time in keywords analysis?

The solution is simple. You can get this knowledge easily from spam emails and blog comments (if you have got the blog already and it is being spammed). So you get topics from your spam and convert them to content sites.

This idea will work for everyone because every person receives a tons of spam emails and email spammers are pretty alert to monitor trends. It is not about viagra/phentermine but it is about fresh ideas for content sites.

The best part of it is you are getting profit from thing which annoys you!

The worst part is you'll love spam ;-)

Concept has changed. Go here to spamadol for continue.